Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Flag Day!

Flag Day has always been MY favorite holiday of the year. It's not much of a holiday you might think, sandwiched there somewhere between the mega three-day weekends of Independence Day and Memorial Day, but important to our country nevertheless. You won't even get a day off unless you live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is the only state which recognizes it as a state holiday.

So, what is Flag Day? Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, ich happened on June 14 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. I believe there was no bailout money that year.

President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation naming June 14 Flag Day in 1916, and National Flag Day was established in 1949 by an Act of Congress (no bailout money here either).

If I could find a copy of this poster I think I'd buy it.

Which reminds me. We need to hang our flag pole bracket up on the new rental dwelling.

Happy Flag Day!

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